Rotary convention in Singapore opens with cultural events, global scope

Members highlight community projects and peace efforts

Rotary launches US30 million program to combat deadliest childhood diseases in four African countries

Rotary launches US$30 million program to combat deadliest childhood diseases in four African countries‘Rotary Healthy Communities Challenge’ will strengthen health systems and

John Sever a champion of polio eradication dies

Rotary member John Sever’s work to end polio spanned decades and was marked by unwavering determination and resolve.

Rotary recognizes President Emmanuel Macron for France's commitment to a polio-free world

Rotary recognizes President Emmanuel Macron for France’s commitment to a polio-free worldPARIS (4 May 2024) – Rotary International presented its Polio Eradication Champion Award to French President Emmanuel Macron

Stand by me: The value of peer to peer support

On TikTok and on campus, students with mental health struggles are finding support among each other.

Climate therapy

As a warming world takes a mental toll, collective action can help ease eco-anxiety.

The provider pipeline

When a hospital system in Colorado declared an emergency on youth mental health, Rotary members stepped up.

Rotary projects around the globe May 2024

Learn how Rotary clubs are taking action in Mexico, the United States, the Netherlands, Albania, and Burundi.

Healthier lives ahead for South Pacific children

Rotary’s Give Every Child a Future program vaccinates 100,000 young people

At convention find breakouts tailored to you

Take away bold ideas about how to improve your club experience, your community, and the world from breakout sessions at the Rotary convention in Singapore.


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