
Pete Kellerman from the Graham Shelter

We want to thank Pete Kellerman, Senior Case Manager at the John Graham Shelter, for coming to update the Greater Vergennes Rotary members about their efforts and needs.

Pete helped us to understand how much we take for granted. Its the "simple things that make a big difference" in many of the lives they touch. Those thing that we often forget about and take for granted can have a profound affect on others.

The work they do at the Graham Shelter is not just to provide emergency or temporary housing but to provide the assistance individuals and families need to get past the difficulty's that brought them there and to succeed in life.

As far as items the shelter needs... Sheets and towels are always a need, and currently some sturdy dining table chairs would be welcomed.

We also want to extend our gratitude to the staff at the Graham Shelter for their care and concern of others. Thank You!

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